TA DA . . . .
Must share this exciting personal art moment. Friday, November 24th, I had the privilege of meeting Victoria Donahue, art critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer Newspaper. This chance encounter elicited my version of “happy feet” and happy heart. One might question: why such a strong response to this chance encounter? I believe one should not leave things up to chance, yet would be foolish not to recognize the chances one has. Goal setting is method I attest to. A very important goal I had set for myself was to have an art critic review my work. Last August, I curated a show for 13 Art Sisters at the Louis L. Redding Building in Wilmington, DE (for more information on this very interesting organization, visit www.artsisters.org). Victoria Donahue took the time and energy to critique the show, entitled “Never Go It Alone.” Her review, positive, I might add, was dated August 13, 2006 (good reading). Needless to say, meeting Ms. Donahue offered the opportunity to express my gratitude in person. I found her to be a most warm personality. Of course, I had previously written her a thank you (snail mail, not e-mail). Moments like this rank right up there with an Art Sale!
In addition, I would like to share the following web site of Alyson Stanfield: www.artbizblog.com. At her recent seminar (November 4th) at the Delaware Art Museum in Wilmington on “Self-Promotion Essentials for Reluctant Artists,” acting on such opportunities, writing thank you notes, and having the confidence to promote yourself, is only a small part of the helpful advice I learned that afternoon.
Speaking of “ta da . . .” read more in my Dada column
About Me
- Leslie DeBrocky
- Pennsylvania, United States
- Born into a creative environment, artist father and inspiring mother, destiny began. Art is a face, a force, never absent, never silent. Possessing a vibrant, active, colorful mind, and the skills to create images is serving me well. Art is my confidante, voice, solution and salvation. Exposing my ideas, images, humor, sarcasms and statements, fertilizes the art within. Reaction to my creations evokes growth in both creator and viewer.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Volume I, No. 1 A Little Bit of Background
[FINE PRINT DISLAIMER: I am far from being an academic, self-proclaimed expert, art historian, or author. The following is simply a collage of the many readings and musing I have had with reference to Dada. Future postings might, or might not, have historical reference. It is simply dependent on “What is Leslie thinking about today?”]
Post-World War I, “Little Magazines” emerged, filled with explosive ideas, images, poems, theoretical statements, slogans, collages, paintings, recordings of live performances and popular art.
These reviews were the Internet highway of the times. The term “Dada” literally means many things in many languages: French – “hobby horse,” Slavic – “yes, yes,” Yet it is said, Hugo Ball (1916) coined the nonsensical word randomly.
Dada’s birthplace was in Zurich, at the Cabaret Voltaire, a collaborative effort of Hugo Ball, Richard Huelsenbeck, Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco, and Jean Arp. In 1917, the Dada Gallery was established. This short-lived movement died out around 1923 and around 1945 reappeared in the United States and Germany.
For me, the beauty of the movement captures the spirit of freedom of expression in a combination of visual, linguistic or auditory media an artist chooses
My adolescent development spanned the 60’s, therefore embracing the following quote was a natural for me: “Dada became a kind of iconoclastic godparent of the 1960s revolutionary movements, absorbed into what became known as the ‘historic avant gardes’ and emblematic of the attempt to re-engage art with life.” Introduction to The Dada Reader: A Critical Anthology, Edited by Dawn Ades (University of Chicago Press, 2006).
My intent is to have this space for you (my readers) and me to express everything that comes to mind. I plan to have fun here and hope you do as well.
[FINE PRINT DISLAIMER: I am far from being an academic, self-proclaimed expert, art historian, or author. The following is simply a collage of the many readings and musing I have had with reference to Dada. Future postings might, or might not, have historical reference. It is simply dependent on “What is Leslie thinking about today?”]
Post-World War I, “Little Magazines” emerged, filled with explosive ideas, images, poems, theoretical statements, slogans, collages, paintings, recordings of live performances and popular art.
These reviews were the Internet highway of the times. The term “Dada” literally means many things in many languages: French – “hobby horse,” Slavic – “yes, yes,” Yet it is said, Hugo Ball (1916) coined the nonsensical word randomly.
Dada’s birthplace was in Zurich, at the Cabaret Voltaire, a collaborative effort of Hugo Ball, Richard Huelsenbeck, Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco, and Jean Arp. In 1917, the Dada Gallery was established. This short-lived movement died out around 1923 and around 1945 reappeared in the United States and Germany.
For me, the beauty of the movement captures the spirit of freedom of expression in a combination of visual, linguistic or auditory media an artist chooses
My adolescent development spanned the 60’s, therefore embracing the following quote was a natural for me: “Dada became a kind of iconoclastic godparent of the 1960s revolutionary movements, absorbed into what became known as the ‘historic avant gardes’ and emblematic of the attempt to re-engage art with life.” Introduction to The Dada Reader: A Critical Anthology, Edited by Dawn Ades (University of Chicago Press, 2006).
My intent is to have this space for you (my readers) and me to express everything that comes to mind. I plan to have fun here and hope you do as well.
The Following artical appeared on artbizblog.com
Art Sisters
At my workshop in Wilmington last weekend, I had the pleasure of meeting Leslie DeBrocky. Leslie introduced me to Art Sisters, an organization she helped co-found.
I’m always saying to find support throughout your career. No one can do it alone. You always need people. (This is why I started the free art-marketing salons at ArtBizConnection.com.) Anyway, Art Sisters formed when women artists got together to help each other out with their busy lives. They realized how hard it was to juggle home, family, and career and created this group to help each other out.
Sure, they might get together to talk about their art, hang a group show, or brainstorm. But they’re also pitching in to helpwith errands and looking after each others’ homes while on vacation.
Art Sisters has closed their membership (they didn’t want to become unmanageable) and have a waiting list.
Why don’t you form one in your own community? Or maybe an Art Brothers or Art Friends? (If you want to use the name, I suggest contacting them.)
Image: Leslie DeBrocky, Mandalay Kiss. Drawing, 2006. (c) The Artist.
Thank You Alyson B. Stanfield
Art Sisters
At my workshop in Wilmington last weekend, I had the pleasure of meeting Leslie DeBrocky. Leslie introduced me to Art Sisters, an organization she helped co-found.
I’m always saying to find support throughout your career. No one can do it alone. You always need people. (This is why I started the free art-marketing salons at ArtBizConnection.com.) Anyway, Art Sisters formed when women artists got together to help each other out with their busy lives. They realized how hard it was to juggle home, family, and career and created this group to help each other out.
Sure, they might get together to talk about their art, hang a group show, or brainstorm. But they’re also pitching in to helpwith errands and looking after each others’ homes while on vacation.
Art Sisters has closed their membership (they didn’t want to become unmanageable) and have a waiting list.
Why don’t you form one in your own community? Or maybe an Art Brothers or Art Friends? (If you want to use the name, I suggest contacting them.)
Image: Leslie DeBrocky, Mandalay Kiss. Drawing, 2006. (c) The Artist.
Thank You Alyson B. Stanfield
Friday, November 10, 2006
Meet Me Upcoming Receptions

Friday, December 1st, 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Reception and meet the artist
Live Music by Patricia Brightful and Somethin' Different Jazz Ensemble
Friday, December 1st, 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Reception and meet the artist
Live Music by Patricia Brightful and Somethin' Different Jazz Ensemble
Garden in my Mind
Leslie DeBrocky's one woman show integrating images and/or materials inspired by nature.
Show opened on November 3rd, runs through December 29th, and is generally open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
Address: 1810 N. Dupont St., Wilmington, DE 19806
Phone: 302.658.6262
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